Add Comments and Notify Reviewers

Add Comments and Notify Reviewers


Streamline your workflow in Tax Sorted by notifying reviewers when a job reaches the Ready for Review stage and adding comments to financial data for future reference. This guide outlines how to notify reviewers and add comments.

How to Notify Reviewer

Step 1: Head over to the Job Dashboard after logging in to your Tax Sorted account.

Step 2: Now click on Notify Reviewer or similar.

Step 3: Click on the Notify Reviewer button select the reviewer to whom you want to send this notification from the drop-down and then click on Notify.

Step 5: You will now receive a confirmation toast message at the bottom of your screen.

Note: You can only Notify Reviewer if the job is in the Ready for Review stage.

How to Add Comments

Step 1: Head over to the Job Dashboard after logging in to your Tax Sorted account.

Step 2: On the Job Dashboard, you can add comments for every line item by clicking on the Comment icon.

Step 3: Now Add Comment in the appearing pop-up text box and hit Save!

Step 4: The comment will be successfully added and the comment icon will turn into blue. You will receive a confirmation toast message at the bottom of your screen.

Step 5: You can view and delete the existing comment by clicking on the blue comment icon.

These steps will to efficiently manage notifications and comments within Tax Sorted, enhancing collaboration and workflow transparency.

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