The Connect module establishes and manages connections with audit firms. This feature allows you to seamlessly connect with audit firms, making it easier to push funds from Sorted to Audit. Within this module, you can initiate connections, invite audit firms, disconnect as needed, and review the history of your interactions.
Here are step-by-step instructions for various actions related to connecting with audit firms in your system:
How to Connect with an Audit Firm:
Step 1: Click on Admin > Connect.
Step 2: Click on the Connect Audit Firm button at the top right of your screen.
Step 3: A slider will appear on the right. Provide all the required details of the audit firm you want to connect with. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are compulsory and cannot be left empty.
Step 4: Once you've filled in the details, click Connect.
Step 5: A connect email will be sent to the entered email address for registration through Auditomation.
Once they connect, the status will change from invited to connected.
How to Resend an Audit Firm Connect Request:
Step 1: Click on Admin > Connect.
Step 2: Click on the three-dot icon next to the company name to which you want to resend the request.
Step 3: Click Resend Request to send another connection request to the firm. Please note that this option is available only for audit firms that have not yet been connected.
These instructions should help you and your users effectively manage the connections with audit firms and review the history of these interactions.