Audit Basic Portal for the Connected Auditors

Audit Basic Portal for the Connected Auditors

Referenced Audit Workpaper Files

  1. Auditors connected with SMSF Sorted Accountants can now download the referenced audit workpaper files.
  2. The downloaded file contains the hyperlinks of the source documents tagged on the line items by the accountant.
  3. Auditors get 50 complementary referenced audit workpaper files each year.
  4. After downloading the 50th file, auditors will be provided with an option to top up more referenced files or upgrade the subscription.

Downloading and Viewing a Workpaper File

  1. On clicking the download icon, the referenced audit workpaper files will be downloaded into a zip folder which needs to be extracted to a separate folder to use it.
  2. This file contains a workpaper file and a folder of source documents sent by the accountant.
  3. The workpaper file best supports with Google Chrome hence we recommend users to open it with Google Chrome as mentioned in below image.

  1. The source documents tagged on line items appear with a 'WP' prefix and a hyperlink. By clicking on hyperlinks, source document can be opened and viewed.
  2. Similarly users can open and review below items of workpapers file:
  1. Permanent Documents
  2. Prior Year Documents
  3. Additional Documents
  4. Reports

Audit Source Document Files

Auditors continue to have the option to download unlimited files without hyperlink of the tagged documents.

Resubmitted Jobs

If SMSF Sorted accountant resubmits a job then:
  1. Resubmitted jobs will have an icon next to the job name to differentiate it from other jobs received.
  2. For the resubmitted jobs, if the file has already been downloaded then, it will not reduce from the files count.

Link Expiry

  1. The files will expire after the 30th day from the job submission date which cannot be retrieved.
  2. The expired entries can viewed under the History tab with details.
  3. Apart from that, the user will have the option to delete the files manually, whenever required.


Below automated email notifications will be sent to connected Auditors:
  1. Connect request with registration link
  2. Account creation with credentials
  3. Connect Request for existing Audit Basic portal
  4. Job Submitted
  5. Job Resubmitted

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