With this newly added feature, we have developed the functionality to Upload Documents directly from FYI Docs into Tax Sorted and Save the Workpaper File into FYI Docs once generated.
Step 1:- After logging in to the Tax Sorted, click on Settings > Integrations.
Step 2:- Enter the Access Key ID and Secret Key ID of your FYI account. Once the details are entered click on the Verify & Save button.

- If the Access Key ID or Secret Key ID is invalid, the Verify & Save button will not be enabled and you will not be able to proceed further.
- Refer to the Access Key ID and Secret Key ID section of this article to know the Access Key ID and Secret Key ID of your FYI account.
Step 3:- Select the Default Upload Cabinet and Default Download Cabinet from the drop-down and click on the Save button.

- Selection of Default Cabinets to load file(s) from FYI Docs is not mandatory. You can choose the Cabinet at the time of loading files from FYI Docs or saving files into FYI Docs. You can skip this part by clicking on the Skip button.
- Select the Default Cabinets to save file(s) in FYI Docs to save a copy of the Workpaper File into FYI Docs. Select the Default Cabinets to save file(s) in FYI Docs to upload documents from FYI docs and upload them into Tax Sorted.
Step 4:- You will receive a confirmation toast message at the bottom of your screen.

Note:- Once the configuration is completed, the status of FYI authentication will be displayed under the FYI logo as FYI Authentication Activated, moreover, Disable and Edit buttons will be enabled now.
Enable & Disable Authentication
Step 1:- If you want to disable your configuration, you can simply click on the Disable button.
Step 2:- A confirmation pop-up will appear on your screen, click on the Disable button.
Step 3:- Once the configuration is disabled, you will receive a confirmation message.

Note:- You can Enable the authentication anytime by clicking on the Enable button. Once it is enabled again, the configuration status will be changed to Activated instead of Disabled as shown below.
Edit & Restart Configuration

Note:- You can only edit Default Upload Cabinet and Default Download Cabinet .
Step 1: Click on the Edit icon.
Step 2: Click on the Edit button on the pop-up for editing. Once you click on it, you will be redirected to a page where you can change your settings.
Step 3: If you want to reset the Client ID or Secret Key of your FYI, click on the Restart Configuration button which will appear once you click on the Edit button.
Client ID and Secret Key
Please refer to the below steps to know the Client ID and Secret Key of your FYI account.
Step 1:- Login to your FYI Doc account and then click on Automation > Apps.
Step 2:- Search for Cloudoffis and click on the Settings icon.
Step 3:- Click on Create New Secret to connect.
Step 4: The Client ID and Secret Key on your screen will be displayed, you can select the cabinet at this stage. Enter these details while configuring FYI in Tax Sorted.
Uploading Documents From FYI Docs to Tax Sorted
Upload documents in Tax Sorted will have 2 options;
- Select Local Drive to upload documents from your computer
- Select FYI Docs to import and upload documents from FYI docs.
Below are the steps on how users can upload documents through FYI Docs.
Step 1:- Click on FYI Docs for loading documents from FYI Docs and upload them into Tax Sorted.
Step 2:- Select the documents by clicking on the checkboxes alongside. Once done, click on Open.

Note:- While loading documents from FYI Docs; you can Filter the results using Client, Year & Cabinet.
Saving Tax Sorted Workpaper File to FYI Docs
After generating a Workpaper file, while downloading, there will be an added option to download via FYI Doc.
Step 1:- Click on Download > FYI Docs to download the Workpaper File.
Step 2:- Select Client, Cabinet and Year. Once done, click on Save.
Step 3:- The Workpaper File will be downloaded and saved in the selected FYI Cabinet for the selected Year and Client.