How to Import Lead Schedule

How to Import Lead Schedule


Once you have successfully created a job, the next step is to import the lead schedule. You can Import Lead schedule directly from the Created Jobs page or you can also go to Clients > Manage Jobs > Process Job Import Lead Schedule.

How to Import Lead Schedule

Step 1: Click on Import Lead Schedule.

Step 2: Now the data import process will be started and will be displayed on your screen. Once essential information has been imported, Job Dashboard button will be enabled and you will be able to click on Job Dashboard.

Step 4: You will be able to view the successfully imported information on the dashboard and the rest of the information that is yet to be imported will be displayed in the skeleton mode on your screen. The Import progress will be displayed by a loading icon on the top, alongside the Fund Name.

Once the Import of Lead Schedule is completed, the information will be displayed on your screen automatically.
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