Errors related to access in the accounting software

Errors related to access in the accounting software

Errors related to access in the accounting software

On occasions you may receive API authority errors when trying to import the lead schedule (Process Audit Job), the below errors are the most common and are due to the API authority token provided by the associated software no longer being valid. 

As you are aware, the import client process only has to be performed once and audit jobs can be created for each year using the same client, it is during this process that the associated software assigns the API Authority Token.

Common Causes

User Level  
  1. The original user who imported the client has left the firm and is no longer a registered user in the associated software    
  2. The original user who imported the client is still an active user in the associated software but no longer has access to the fund returning the error    
  3. The original user who imported the client has had a change to their role or access within the associated software 
Business Level     
  1. The fund is now managed by a different firm    
  2. The fund is managed by the same firm but the fund ID has changed (perhaps caused by a data migration or change)   
  3. The administration firm has split/merged and the business ID has changed as a result.


1) Your access to Class is no longer valid. Please re-import the client and try again. For more details, please click here.

  1. When the issue is due to user credentials, Refer below short video.

2) Class returned an authority error, this is due to a change in access or fund ID's. For more details, please click here.

  1. When issue is related to Fund ID, Fund Code or Business Code
Due to the amount of variables it is best that you contact us to troubleshoot and explore the cause and solutions (we may also need to contact the associated software team to assist). Once identified there are also options on how to resolve this, you may either override original or create new client depending on the scenario.  

BGL 360     

1) Your access to BGL 360 is no longer valid. Please re-import the client and try again. For more details, please click here.

  1. When Issue is due to user credentials, refer below short video or refer the below:  
Click on Audit > go to Manage Clients > Import New Client

Click on BGL 360 -> enter BGL 360 credentials and Authorise

You'll be redirected to Cloudoffis -> Select the Client you got the Authority error -> click on Import Selected Client

You will get Already Exists message. Then try doing the action (Create Job/Import Data from BGL 360/Reimport Lead Schedule) where you got the error.

2) BGL 360 returned an authority error, this is due to a change in access or fund ID's. For more details, please click here.

  1. When issue is related to Fund ID Fund Code or Business Code:
Due to the amount of variables it is best that you contact us to troubleshoot and explore the cause and solutions (we may also need to contact the associated software team to assist). Once identified there are also options on how to resolve this, you may either override original or create new client depending on the scenario.

BGL Workpapers

For the same reasons within common causes (above) an expired API Authority will not allow the converting of documents added automatically from BGL Workpapers. When you receive the error message - We require new API authority from BGL, for the reason and solution please click here, the client will have to be imported again by the external or internal frm who created the audit job originally to obtain new authority. Please refer to the below video for the solution steps.


There are variables for SuperMate API errors as the import lead schedule process is also dependent on the status of the financial year status within SuperMate.

1) Message received from SuperMate: The financial year is not closed.

  1. When a fund has not been closed off/finalised we will not be granted access to the financial data, if this occurs we will provide the error:
If your receive this error please contact the fund administrator and ask them to finalise the FY in SuperMate (represented by a closed padlock

During job processing or re-importing you may receive either of the 2 errors below, these errors relate to a changed or expired API token,to rectify please ask an active SuperMate user to follow the re-import client instructions within the video at the bottom of this guide;

2) Your access to SuperMate is no longer valid. Please re-import the client and try again. For more details, please click here.

  1. When the issue is due to user credentials, Refer below short video.

3) SuperMate returned an authority error, this is due to a change in access or fund ID's. For more details, please click here.

  1. When issue is related to Fund ID, Fund Code or Business Code
NOTE: On occasion when creating a client Cloudoffis will allow you to progress to the select fund page but there are no funds populated, Cloudoffis will display error 1 (above). If this occurs please contact your SuperMate administrator as your login credentials are no longer active.


The below video captures the process and result of re-importing the client.

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