Internal Query

Internal Query


In the Auditomation portal, you can raise internal queries when you come across incomplete or missing work papers or have questions about suspicious elements. Internal queries are meant to be answered by someone within your firm. Internal Queries are subdivided into two sections, Open and Resolved.

How to Raise an Internal Query: 

Step 1: Click on any Fund Name from the Dashboard or My Audit Job to access the Fund Dashboard for the specific fund. 

Step 2: Under the Fund Summary section on the left side, click on Queries and Review Points.

Step 3: Click on Create Query

Step 4: Select Internal Query as the type of query. 

Step 5: Select Assignee, SIS referenceWorkpaper, and add the Query Heading and Query Details.  

Step 6: Once all the details are entered, click on Save.

Step 7: A notification will confirm the successful addition of the query at the bottom right of your screen. 

Note: New queries will be displayed on both the Dashboard and Manage Queries. As more queries are raised, older ones will only be shown in the Manage Queries section.

How to Resolve or Respond to a Query: 

Step 1: Log in to the platform and access the Fund Dashboard for the relevant fund. 
Step 2: Go to Fund Summary > Queries and Review Points

Step 3: Find the Internal Query you want to resolve from Internal Queries

Step 4: Click on the query name to expand and view the details. 

Step 5: To respond, click on Reply, enter your reply in the text box, and optionally attach files. Save the response. 

Step 6: To resolve the query, click on Resolve, and optionally add a resolution comment. Then click Resolve

Note:- Your Query will now be moved to Resolved from Open.

Step 7: You'll receive a confirmation for both actions.

How to Convert an Internal Query to an External Query: 

Step 1: Access the Fund Dashboard and go to Fund Summary > Queries and Review Points
Step 2: Find the Internal Query you want to convert. 

Step 3: Click on the query name to expand the details. 

Step 4: Click on Convert to External Query

Note:- Only the jobs imported from sorted will have this option. Accountants connected from sorted are the only ones with the external query option.

Step 5: A pop-up will appear with query details. Since it will be an external query, you cannot assign it to someone within your firm. Instead, it will be assigned to the client contact by default. 

Step 6: Choose your action: Publish, Publish & Email, Save as Draft, Cancel, or Attach File

Step 7: Click Publish to convert the query to an external one.

For further information or assistance, please contact

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