Introduction to Cloudoffis for Connected Accountants

Introduction to Cloudoffis for Connected Accountants

Introduction to Cloudoffis for Connected Accountants 

Cloudoffis provides accountants with a platform to submit funds to audit with a Cloudoffis Auditor. 

The article below will guide Connected Accountants to create their CloudOffis portal, import funds from their accounting software, create audit jobs, and respond to queries.
Please note we also have a video guide available here 

Please follow the steps below to create your Cloudoffis portal:
  1. The Auditor initiates the connection request. The accounting firm's primary contact will then receive an email from Cloudoffis requesting they register and approve the connection. 

  2. Please click the blue “Register Now” button within that email and follow the steps and input your firm’s details. 

  3. Once you have input the firm details you will receive an email stating that your portal has been created and inviting you to log in. Please follow the link in the email to log in. 

  4. Once you have logged in we recommend customising your view so that you only see the tabs relevant to your firm as accountants.  To edit the view please click the “Settings” cog on the top right-hand of screen: 

And set the settings as follows: 

Please follow the steps below to add your staff as users on your Cloudoffis portal:
  1. Navigate to Admin > Staff > Create New User. A pop-out box will appear.

  2. Select a 'Role' for your user; We recommend "Administrator".

  3. Enter their Name and Email Address. Click 'Create New User'.

  4. The staff member will receive an automated email with their login credentials and a temporary password.

  Please follow the steps below to import your funds to Cloudoffis
  1. Select “Manage Clients” from the Audit drop-down menu. 

  1. Click on “Import New Client”

  1. You will be prompted to choose which administration software your funds are to be imported from (Class, BGL Desktop, BGL 360, or Supermate).  Please click to import from the relevant software.  

  2. You will be prompted to log in to your administration software. You should use your normal login credentials. You will be prompted to authorise access. 

  3. Once you have provided access you will return to a Cloudoffis view and see a list of your funds under administration. 

  4. Select which funds you would like to import by ticking the square check box next to the fund name.  You can import multiple funds at once or one fund at a time.  

  5. Click “Import Selected Clients”.

  6. You will receive a confirmation that the fund has been imported successfully


Please follow the steps below to create an audit job and send the audit job to Audit: 

1. Now that you have imported your fund navigate to “Manage Client” under the Audit drop-down menu: 


2.  Find the fund you wish to send to audit in the fund list. If you have a large number of clients on the list you can use the “search” box to filter the funds shown.
3. Click on the ‘Create Audit Job’ icon next to the fund - this looks like a briefcase: 

4. A new screen will appear for you to enter the details of the audit Job. The fund name and ID will be prefilled. The job type will default to year-end however you can select the drop-down and change this to a wind up if required.  Please select the relevant financial year and select “External Auditor” from the ‘assigned to’ drop-down menu.  In the next field “Assign To” select our business from the drop-down menu.  In the final field, you can select the staff member within your own firm who is responsible for receiving communication on this audit job. 
  1. Click “Create and Next”. 

  2. In the following screen, you are prompted to upload any necessary source documents. Please attach these documents and click next.  Note - you can also add additional documents at a later stage if required. 

  3. You will then receive a confirmation that the job has been created successfully.  We will then receive the audit job on our own Cloudoffis Audit Dashboard. 

Responding to Audit Queries: 

If the auditor raises an audit query during their review, the staff member assigned to the audit on the Accounting Portal will receive a notification. The staff member should then log in to their Cloudoffis

dashboard to view the query in full and respond. 

The queries will be visible under “External Queries” on the Cloudoffis Dashboard.  

Click on the query to view the details.  Reply to the query and attach any required supporting documents directly to the query and the Auditor will receive your reply. 

Note - Once the query has been responded to it will no longer show under “External Queries” on the main dashboard.  Resolved queries can be viewed by navigating to Audit > Audit Jobs > Assigned Audit Jobs and clicking the 3 dot icon on the right-hand side.