Legacy Templates are the former version of Report Templates in the Auditomation Portal. They are used to create Pre-Audit and Post-Audit Report Templates. The system generates several predefined report templates, including Pre-Audit and Post-Audit Report Templates, which can be customized as needed. The system-generated report templates are as follows:
Pre-Audit Report Templates:
Post Audit Report Templates:
Management Letter
Audit Report: Disclaimer of Opinion
Audit Report: Adverse Opinion
Audit Report: Qualified Opinion
Audit Report: Unqualified Opinion
The Legacy Templates page displays various columns for easy organization:
Template Name
Template Type
Modified on (Date)
Sign Required
Shared to Firm
You can use the search bar to search for templates by Template Name or Tag. Additionally, filters can be applied to the list of templates based on Template Name, Tag, Auditor, and Year.
Creating a New Template
Step 1:- Go to Admin > Report Templates > Legacy Templates.
Step 2:- Click on Create Template from the top-right corner.
Step 3:- Fill in the required details on the slider, such as Name, Tags, Template Type, Select Type, Auditor Name, and Year End.
Step 4:- Select the New Template option and click Create.

Cloning a Template
Step 1:- Go to Admin > Report Templates > Legacy Templates.
Step 2:- Click on Create Template from the top-right corner.
Step 3:- Fill in the required details on the slider, such as Name, Tags, Template Type, Select Type, Auditor Name, and Year End.
Step 4:- Select the Clone Template option and choose the Template you want to clone, then click Create.

Editing a Legacy Template
Step 1:- Go to Admin > Report Templates > Legacy Templates.
Step 2:- Now, click on the Edit Report icon next to the template you want to customize.
Step 3:- A slider will open with a text box similar to Google Docs or Microsoft Word.
Step 4:- Edit the content as needed and click Save to apply the changes. You can also click on Preview to preview changes.

Sharing Legacy Report Templates
Step 1:- Go to Admin > Report Templates > Legacy Reports.
Step 2:- Click on the Share with a Firm icon.
Step 3:- Select the firm you want to share the template with and click Share.
Step 4:- You will receive a confirmation at the bottom right corner of your screen.
Editing and Generating Legacy Reports (Job Specific)
You can create Legacy Report Templates on global level that can be used for all the available funds. Although, if needed, you can simply Edit the Legacy Reports for jobs while Generating. Follow the steps below to edit the Legacy Reports on Job Level:
Step 1: Click on Audit > Manage Jobs > My Audit Job and click on the relevant job to head over to Job Dashboard.
Step 2: Now click on Audit Letters & Reports and select Legacy Reports. Then click on the Generate Report icon alongside the relevant report.
Step 3: The Legacy Report will be displayed on your screen and at this stage you can edit the Legacy Report and make the necessary changes before generating the Legacy Reports. Once done, click on Save.
Step 4: You will receive a confirmation toast message. You can now, View, Regenerate, Download and Delete the Generated Report.

Note: In order to Edit the generated report, you will require to Delete the already generated report.
By customizing Legacy Templates, you can create personalized and tailored report templates for your audit reports and documents.