Manage Firms

Manage Firms


The Billing module in the Auditomation enables auditors to efficiently manage invoices, practices, and billing for their clients. It provides tools for firm management, invoice generation, and seamless integration with Xero for streamlined invoice processing. The module offers features like adding firms, customizing invoice settings, estimating job counts, and generating and sharing invoices.
The module streamlines the process of creating and managing firm invoices, leading to faster and more accurate invoicing.

Manage Firms

  1. To view all firms, Click on My PracticeManage Firms.
  2. Firms listed here are the ones that have been imported through SMSF Sorted or directly imported from accounting software.
  3. SMSF Sorted connected firm will have Connected as their connect status 
  4. Imported funds from different accounting software (Class, BGL 360, SuperMate) will have Not Connected as their connect status.
  5. Connection status is displayed for each firm.
  6. To add a new firm, click on the Add Firm button from the top right corner.
  7. Firm data can be exported as a PDF using the Export PDF button.
  8. Edit firm details by clicking on the Edit Firm icon.
  9. View the job history for specific firms by clicking on the Show History icon.

Adding a Firm

To add a new firm, follow these steps: 
Step 1: Click on My Practice > Manage Firm > Add Firm

Step 2: Fill in Basic Details, Invoice Settings, and Job Estimation
  1. Basic Details include ABN, Firm Name, Email, Contact Person, etc. Some fields are mandatory (*).

  1. Invoice Settings allow adding Flat Fee and Fee-based on Job Complexity.

  1. Job Estimation can be entered as total yearly jobs or monthly calculations.

Step 3: Click on Add Firm to save the details once completed.
Step 4: You will now receive a confirmation toast message at the bottom of your screen.

  1. Job Estimation allows auditors to predict the number of jobs they expect to receive from a specific client/firm for each month of the financial year. It helps in planning and allocating resources accordingly to meet the workload and client requirements.
  2. You can either add Job Estimation separately for each month or you can write the total expected job count at the top and the number will be equally divided into all 12 months. 
  3. If the number is not divisible by 12 then the access number will be added to the last month of the financial year.

Editing a Firm

To edit firm details, follow these steps: 
Step 1: Click on My Practice > Manage Firm > Edit Firm from the Action icon.

Step 2:  Make necessary changes and hit Save to save the firm details.

Viewing Firm History

To view the job history for a firm, follow these steps: 
Step 1: Click on My Practice > Manage Firm > Show History icon. 

Step 2: Choose the financial year to View History. (up to 5 years including the current year).

Export as PDF

Step 1:- Click on My Practice > Manage Firm.
Step 2:- Click on the Export PDF icon from the top taskbar and the PDF including all that your screen shows will be downloaded and will be downloaded to your device.

Step 3:- You can simply click on it and view/edit it.

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