Manage Funds

Manage Funds


All the funds will be listed here. You can create a job, view, update, and delete the fund from this page.
You can also import a new fund from other accounting software that you're using or you can add a new fund manually to the portal.

Table Contents

Fund Name, Email, Phone Number, ABN, Business Code, and Business Name are the columns that are visible on this page. The table content will have the same details as the accounting software that you're using while importing the fund. 


- Create a job for the fund

- View fund details

- Delete the fund for which no job has been created yet

Click on the below link for more details:

  1. How To View & Update Fund Details
  2. How To Create A Job
  3. How To Delete A Fund

Search bar

You can search for a fund by Fund Name, ABN, Business Code, Business Name, or by the accounting software that it has been imported from

Import New Fund

You can import new funds from the below: 

  1. Class Super

  2. BGL360

  3. Superman

  4. Manual Upload: If from any other accounting software, you can use Manual Upload for adding a new fund manually.

Click on the links given below for more details:


View the number of entries shown per page at the bottom left corner of your screen. 


At the bottom right corner of your screen:

You can view a number of pages and click on any of them and you will be redirected to the respective page. 

You can also click on forward and backward arrows to move forward or backward from page to page.

The option is provided to select 5, 10 & 20 entries of funds per page. 

Sorting Arrows

All the columns available can be sorted alphabetically by clicking on the up & down arrow next to the column name, page-wise.

For further information or assistance, please contact

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