

There are 2 parts of the Preferences module, Notification Preferences, and Change Notification Recipient. From here you can change your Notification preferences settings and also you can assign your staff as your Notification Recipient as required.
Notification Preferences
From here you can change Notification preferences for the tasks that you would receive Notifications for. Follow the steps given below to change the Notification Preferences for your account.
Step 1:- Click on the Profile icon from the top right corner of your screen and click on Preferences.
On the appearing page, on the left, you will be able to see all the activities for which the notifications are sent automatically from the portal after the activity has been performed.
Next to the Activities column is the Description Column where the description of the activities has been mentioned.
Then comes the Email Notification and Portal Notification column which will have a toggle button.
Step 2:- You can simply turn off the toggle buttons for the activities for which you don't want to receive the notifications. The toggle button will be turned on by default, you can change it as required.
Note:- You can also perform this action in bulk, from the top, from the toggle button mentioned next to Email Notification and Portal Notification.
Step 3:- Once you have made the changes, click on the Save button from the bottom right corner of your screen to save.
Note:- The Save button won't be enabled if no changes have been made.
Step 4:- You will now receive a confirmation toast message at the bottom of your screen.
Change Notification preferences
If for any of the activities mentioned on Notification Preferences, 
Manage Notification is a new feature added to customize notification settings. With this feature, you can select for which activity you would like to receive an E-mail or Portal notification. You can also receive both Email and Portal notifications or you can choose any one of them or neither of them as per your requirement.
How to Change Notification Settings
Here are a few steps that you can follow to customize notification settings as per your requirements.
Step 1:- Once you log in to the platform, click on your Profile from the top right corner of the screen. 
Step 2:- We have added a new page with the name Manage Notifications, click on it.
Step 3:- You will then be re-directed to the Manage Notifications module. All the checkboxes there will be selected by default, you can click on them to change the settings to receive notifications.
How to Change Recipient.
For a few activities, like Job Activities and Connect Activities, only Company Admin receives the notification. If they want someone else to receive those notifications on their behalf, they can change the recipient and add anyone among their staff as a recipient. Moreover, you can also add multiple recipients for the notification.
Step 1:- Once you log in to the platform, click on your Profile from the top right corner of the screen. 
Step 2:- We have added a new page with the name Manage Notifications, click on it.
Step 3:- Scroll down a little to see the Change Notification Recipient header.
Step 4:- Click on the drop-down and select the recipient from the appearing list under the Recipient heading. 
Note: Maximum 3 members can be selected as Notification Recipients. 
That’s it, you’re all set to roll on!

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