Manage Queries in Auditomation

Manage Queries in Auditomation

Manage Queries Page

Access to Manage Queries page

Manage Queries can be accessible from the below areas:
1) Audit > Manage Queries

2) Dashboard > Internal Queries/External Queries > View All

One page to manage all open queries

Below information will be available on the page:
  1. Fund Name
  2. Fund Code
  3. ABN
  4. Year
  5. Firm Name
  6. Client Contact Name
  7. Source
    1. (Software from which the fund was imported)
  8. Job Created Date
  9. Last Updated On
    1. The date when the query of that job was last updated.
  10. IQ
    1. Internal Open Queries
  11. EQ
    1. Internal Open Queries
  12. Action
    1. Notify Assignee
    2. Client Contact

Filters, Sorting & Search in Manage Queries page

Users can use the filter for the below:

Query Type:
  1. Default selection would be "All Queries"
  2. Other options to select are:
    1. Internal Queries
    2. External Queries
Query Status
Selecting the below status will bring job as mentioned:
  1. Received
    1. when received query response.
  2. Responded
    1. when responded to the queries.
    2. if queries are raised.
Fund Name
  1. Type the Fund name (type 3 letters).
  1. Type the ABN
Firm Name
  1. Select the firm name from the list.
  1. Select the assignee from the list.
  2. Assignee is the staff whom the query has been assigned (received/responded) or who have raised the query.
  3. If selected Assignee, then Received & Responded status list would be of that Assignee.
  4. The staff who does not have the access to Permission - 'Manage Audit Job' & 'Manage Staff' will not have the access to query list of the jobs assigned to other staff. If they are one of the job assignee then they will have the access to the query list even though they have not raised/assigned with a query.
Sorting is available on all the above columns, excluding IQ, EQ and Action.

You can search with the below:
  1. Fund Name
  2. ABN
  3. Fund Code

Clickable link

The numbers of the IQ and EQ are clickable. clicking on those will take you to the query page of the job under the relevant query tab (Internal Queries or External Queries).

Option to notify

From Manage Queries page, the users can notify the assignee and the client contact.

- This is to notify the client contact.

- This is notify the assignee of the query. Clicking on this will list the assignees of the job (excluding self).
  1. Select the assignees you would like to notify about the query and click on Notify:

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