Predefined Comments

Predefined Comments

Predefined Comments

You now have the ability to add the commonly used comments in the Checklist Template. Once added, you have an option to auto-populate these into the comments section for jobs created with the same template. If you have not created or cloned a template previously, please refer to the linked article.

Adding Predefined Comments to the Checklist Template

Step 1: Click on Admin > Checklist Template. Click on the Edit icon alongside the relevant checklist template. 

Step 2: You'll now see a Predefined Comments column. Click on Edit under the action column to add the Predefined Comments.

Step 3: Enter your comment in the Predefined Comments textbox and click on Update.

Step 4: the Predefined Comments will be saved successfully.

Loading Predefined Comments 

Step 1: Click on Audit > Manage Jobs > My Audit Job and select the relevant job.

Step 2: From the Job Dashboard, click on Plan > Permanent.
Step 3: Now click on the three dot menu icon and select Load Predefined Comments option.

Step 4: You will receive a confirmation toast message at the bottom of your screen.

Step 5: Once loaded, you can also Edit or Delete these comments.

Note: You can only load Predefined Comments once for each financial checklist. 
Step 6: If you click on Load Predefined Comments after you have already loaded pre defined comments, then you will be able to view the below toast message.

Step 7: You can access the comments added and loaded in a job from the comment icon on the associated checklist item. 

  1. Published templates cannot be edited, if you wish to add comments to a pre existing checklist simply create a clone of the desired checklist.
  2. Once a checklist template is selected during job creation, you cannot change the template used.
  3. Predefined comments inherit the same logic as manually added comments and will be added to the PDF Audit Summary File next to the relevant item.

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