Re-import the Lead Schedule - Sorted

Re-import the Lead Schedule - Sorted


Here's how you can Re-import Lead Schedule for a Job.

How to Re-import Lead Schedule

Step 1: Click on the Fund Dashboard, and select the you want to re-import the lead schedule.
Step 2: Click on the Re-import Lead Schedule button.

Step 3: Choose between Overwrite Existing Data or Delete Existing Data.

Step 4: Confirm the action by clicking OK on the appearing pop-up to initiate the re-import process.

Step 5: The reimport process for the job will be started and will be visible on your screen. You can click on the Close icon to close the import pop-up.

Step 6: You can view the imported details on the dashboard and other details that are yet to be imported will display in skeleton view.

Step 7: Once the import process is completed, you will receive a confirmation toast message on your screen.

This is how you can Re-import Lead Schedule in few easy steps.
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