Remapping Items

Remapping Items


In certain cases, SMSF Auditomation might not recognize lead schedule items due to Chart of Accounts (COA) or placement issues. To address this, you can manually remap these items. 
Note:- This remapping feature is designed for manually mapped items only and doesn't apply to items correctly mapped based on COA or placement within the administration software.
Important Considerations:
  1. Items incorrectly placed within the administration software must be moved there first before remapping in Cloudoffis.
  2. This feature is compatible with the Re-Import Lead Schedule function.
  3. If you only need to remap a few items, consider adjusting the 3-digit mapping codes within the Excel Trial Balance Template for efficiency.

How to Remap

Step 1:- Begin by initiating the Re-Import Lead Schedule process.

Step 2:- During the re-import, you'll find an option to activate the remap function. Click on Remap Manually Mapped Items to activate.

Step 3:- Once activated, all manually mapped items will require remapping.

Additional Points to Note:

  1. Remapping applies to the Overwrite Existing Data option as well.
  2. If an item is remapped and documents were attached to it, they will be removed along with associated bookmarks (documents still exist for the job, just removed from the line item).
  3. If a remapped item was the sole item in a bucket all associated checklist completions will be removed, including queries and comments.
    1. For instance, if an expense item was remapped as an asset and it was the only expense item, the expense checklist will no longer exist after re-importing the lead schedule.
This remapping feature enhances flexibility when dealing with the manual mapping of lead schedule items. Ensure to follow these steps carefully, and refer to related guides for further assistance in this process. This functionality streamlines your audit workflow by allowing you to accurately map and manage lead schedule items in Cloudoffis Auditomation.

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