Report templates are used to create templates for pre and post-audit reports. Creating a report template is a one-time process and the same report templates can be used as many times as required. These Report Templates can be deleted, viewed, edited, and shared with the firm. You can also Activate or Deactivate the created Report Template. Refer to the article given below for a deep-seated understanding.
Create Template
To create a template, follow the steps given below:
Step 1:- From the dashboard, Click on Admin > Report Templates > Create Template.
Step 2:- This will now open a sliding questionnaire. Fill up the details, like Template Name, Tag, Template Type, Select Type, Template, Auditor Name, and Year.
All the text fields with the star are compulsory to be filled and can not be kept empty. You can also click on the checkbox next to Signature Required.

- You can also add a tag to the report template to help you to look for some specific templates.
- You can either create a completely new template or clone an existing one.
Step 3:- Once done with all the details, hit create and the Report Template will be successfully created.
Step 4:- Once the template is created, you can add the desired content or edit the existing content as required.

- The Report Template can be there after viewed and edited and it can be shared with the firm.
- Share with firm option is only available for the Pre-Audit Templates.
How to Clone an Existing Report Template
Instead of starting from scratch, you can save time by cloning an existing report template and making necessary modifications. Here's how:
Step 1: Log in to your Auditomation account and navigate to the Admin section.
Step 2: Click on Report Templates from the menu options.
Step 3: Locate the Create Template button on the top right corner of your screen and click on it.
Step 4: A slider will appear on the right side of your screen. Fill in the required details such as Template Name, Tag (optional), Template Type, and Type.
Step 5: Instead of selecting New Template, choose Clone Template from the dropdown menu.
Step 6: Select the template you wish to clone from the available options in the Template to Clone section.
Step 7: Provide additional details such as Auditor Name, and Year, and select the checkbox of Signature Required if needed.
Step 8: Once all details are filled, click on the Create button.
A Cloned Template will be successfully created for the selected template and you will receive a toast message at the bottom of your screen.
Editing Report Template
To add content, you have to edit the created report template in MS Office. To Edit the Report Template in MS Office, refer to the steps given below:
Step 1:- Click on Admin > Report Templates.
Step 2:- Now click on Edit in the MS Office icon from the Action column for the Report Template that you want to edit or add content into.
Step 3:- The document will now be downloaded to your device.
Step 4:- Open the downloaded template in MS Word, a pop-up will now appear. Enter the previously generated credentials here and hit Login.
Step 5:- You can now edit the required documents in MS Office and the updated version will be directly available in the SMSF Auditomation portal.
Sharing Report Templates with the Firm
To share the Report Templates with the firm, refer to the steps given below.

Note:- Only templates created using the MS Office plugin will be able to be shared to new firms.
Step 1:- Click on Admin > Report Templates.
Step 2:- Now click on the Share with a Firm icon from the Action column.

Note:- This icon will be only available for the Pre-Audit Reports.
Step 3:- A list of all the available firms will be displayed, click on the ones with whom you want to share the selected Pre-Audit Report and hit Share.
Step 4:- You will now receive a confirmation toast message at the bottom of your screen, stating that Template Shared Successfully.
How to Activate & Reactivate Report Templates.
Step 1: Click on Admin > Report Templates.
Step 2: Now use the Toggle button to Re-activate and Deactivate the selected Report Template under the Active column.

Note: If you have shared a report template with your accountant and you are trying to Deactivate it, you will receive the following pop-up confirmation. Click on Yes to confirm your action.
Step 3: By default, only Active templates are displayed on the screen, If you want to Re-activate any report template, make sure you have selected either All or Inactive from Filter > Status to view Inactive Report Templates.
How to Delete Report Templates
Follow the steps mentioned below to delete the Report Templates. You can only delete the Report Templates that have not been generated even once. Also, before Deleting, you need to deactivate the Report Template.
Step 1: Click on Admin > Report Templates.
Step 2: Turn off the toggle under the Active column to Deactivate the Report Template.
Step 3: Click on the Delete icon which once was disabled will be now enabled.
Step 4: Click on Yes from the appearing pop-up to confirm the action.
Step 5: You will receive a confirmation toast message at the bottom of your screen.
How to Add Placeholders in Report Templates
Follow these steps to add placeholders to your report templates in order to automatically fill in information like Fund Name, Year End, etc.:
Step 1:- Open the report template document in Microsoft Word where you want to add the placeholders.
Step 2:- Position your cursor at the exact location within the document where you want the Placeholder ("Fund Name") to appear.
Step 3:- Click on the Cloudoffis menu option in Microsoft Word.
Step 4:- Now click on the Placeholder icon. Select the Placeholder ("Fund Name") and this will insert the placeholder into your document exactly where your cursor was positioned.