Step 4: A confirmation message appears letting you know that a reset link has been sent.
Step 5: You will receive the password reset link in a registered email from Please check any spam filters if the reset email has not been received. Step 6: Click the Reset Password button in the email.
Step 7: A new page will open in your browser allowing you to enter a new password, and to confirm the password.
NOTE: A password strength indicator will appear as you enter the new password. It is recommended that your password contain a mixture of lower and upper case letters, numbers, and one or more special characters such as #, $, etc
Step 8: Click Change Password once the details have been entered.
Step 9: A Password reset successfully message will appear in the lower-left corner of the screen.
You will be returned to the login screen, where you can enter your new login details.
Changing your known password
In circumstances where you believe your password has been breached, or as part of your regular password change routine, you may want to change your password. The following process can be followed whilst logged into SMSF Sorted:
Step 1: Click on your Profile icon in the upper-left of the SMSF Sorted screen, and select My Profile.
Step 2: Click on the Change Password tab.
Step 3: Enter your Current Password, then enter a new password & confirm the password, then click Save.
Step 4: A Password reset successfully message will appear as you are taken back to the login screen to enter your new details.