Review Points

Review Points


Review Points are internal notes for a job, they are referenced to a particular Observation, or to the Statement of Financial Position or Operating StatementWhile working on the job if there's any work paper or document which needs to be reviewed or needs to be added in the letter of Management, Qualification, or Contravention, you can add a Review Point and then address it to the respective letter.

How To Raise a Review Point

Step 1:- Click on any fund name you want to raise a Review Point for, and it will redirect you to the Fund Dashboard of the respective fund.
Step 2:- Once on Fund Dashboard, on the left side, under the Fund Summary heading, you’ll be able to see Queries and Review Points, click on it.

Step 3:- From there, click on Add a Query.

Step 4:- From there select the type of query as a Review Point.

Step 5:- Then select Work Papers, and add your Query Heading and Query Content.

Step 6:- Once you have entered all the details, click on Save Query. You can also add a file as an attachment.

Step 7:- Once you're done, the review point will be added successfully, and a notification will be displayed in the bottom right corner of your screen.

If you now want to address a Review Point, you can follow the given steps below.

How to Address a Review Point

Step 1:- From the Fund Dashboard of the job, click on Fund Summary > Queries and Review Point, and from there click on Review Points.

Step 2:- All the Review Points will be subdivided into 5 sections, Open, No Action Required, Management Letter, Qualification, and Contravention. Click on the Review Point that you want to address from Open

Note:- Initially when you add a Review Point, it will be available under Open and once you address it, it will then be available in the respective parts.
Step 3:- Now click on Address, you can also Add a Comment or Attachment before addressing the Review Point.

Step 4:- Once you click on Address, there will be four check boxes that you can click on and select to address the Review Point wherever it is required to be. You can select No Action Required, Management Letter, Qualification, or Contravention.
Note:- You can select Management Letter, Qualification, and Contravention together all at once but you can not choose more than one action with No Action Required.
Step 5:- Once you select where you want to address the review point, you can also add the Pre-Defined Content from the appearing list on the right side by clicking n the checkbox.
Step 6:- As soon as you select, you will see an Address button at the bottom of your screen.

Step 7:- You will now receive a confirmation message as Resolved Successfully.

For further information or assistance, please contact at
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