Setup or Change your Firm Logo in SMSF Sorted
This article with guide you through the requirements for logos in SMSF Sorted, and how to update from the default Cloudoffis logo.
The file can be in JPG or PNG format, should be no larger than 500 x 500 pixels, and not exceed 60KB in file size. If you do not have an image in this format, please contact Support, and they can assist you to reformat an existing logo to fit.
Using freely available tools such as Paint.NET most images can be converted into an appropriate size and format to suit.
Uploading the logo
- From anywhere in SMSF Sorted, click on your User Settings icon in the top left of the screen, and select Subscription

- Click on the Company Details tab. The current logo will be displayed. This will be the Cloudoffis SMSF Sorted logo by default.

- Click the Change button, then navigate to the folder the desired image is saved to.

- Select the appropriate logo, then click Open. The logo will then appear in SMSF Sorted, along with a confirmation message in the lower left corner of the screen.

If the file selected is too large, an appropriate message will appear in the lower-left of the screen detailing the problem e.g.

If you wish to remove the logo altogether and return to using the SMSF Sorted default logo, click the Delete button. A confirmation message will appear.
Click Delete to continue and remove the uploaded logo.
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