Template sharing from auditors using Cloudoffis Auditomation

Template sharing from auditors using Cloudoffis Auditomation


Many Cloudoffis auditors choose to share their Audit Engagement and Trustee Representation letters with accounting firms. Prior to the SMSF Sorted 3.0 & Auditomation 5.0 releases, this was only available to firms connected to the auditor via an accounting portal, and not to SMSF Sorted firms. This article will look at the process for SMSF Sorted firms to receive templates from their auditor, and how to generate letters in bulk for their clients

A video demonstration is available at the bottom of this article. 

Receiving shared templates

When an Audit firm shares templates, the accounting/admin firm will receive an email notification similar to the one below, to confirm that the share has occurred.

The following letter/report types are reports are currently able to be shared by the auditor
Pre Audit Templates
  1. Audit Engagement Letter
  2. Trustee Representation Letter
  3. Ethical Clearance Letter
Post Audit Templates
  1. Audit Report
  2. Management Letter
  3. Section 129 Notice

Viewing a Shared Template

Shared templates are available in SMSF Sorted under Clients > Report Templates

The Report Templates screen will be displayed

This screen will display a list of all the audit firms that have shared templates with you, and selecting a specific audit firm will show the particular templates shared.

Viewing and generating reports

To view or generate reports, click the ... icon in the Action column on the right of the Report Templates screen

Clicking on View will display a preview of the template

Clicking Generate Report will display a selection screen depending on the details of the template. Some templates may already have a year selected, in which case you will move to the next step, otherwise select the year from the dropdown selection. 

Select the funds to generate the report for.

You will note that this particular template has not specified the Auditor Name. This is generally done by the Auditor prior to sharing.
Select the required funds, then click Next
There is a limit of 100 funds that can be selected at one time.
Click Generate to finalise the generate process.

A final confirmation message will appear. Click Continue to proceed.

Once generated you will be taken to the Generated Reports tab where you will see a list of the funds that have had reports generated. Clicking on the fund name will display the report details

Actions available for generated reports

Clicking on the ... Action item displays a list of actions that can be taken on the reports

The Send For Signature option will allow, if configured, the reports to be send for signing via Docusign. For full details and setup of this feature, click here

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