Troubleshooting- BGL360 returned an authority error, this is due to a change in access or fund ID's

Troubleshooting- BGL360 returned an authority error, this is due to a change in access or fund ID's

Error Message: BGL360 returned an authority error, this is due to a change in access or fund ID's

1. Step: Update BGL 360 Integration page

The following steps need to be completed in BGL SimpleFund 360.

BGL Integration

From BGL360, click the menu icon (9 dots), and select Integrations:

Look for the application listed as SMSF Sorted PROD then click Edit

A screen similar to the one below will appear. Click the green button next to Assigned Entities.

NOTE: The number preceding the word "Edit" represents the number of currently assigned funds on the authority.

Check that Allow future entities to be accessible by default is switched on. This is recommended to ensure a smooth import process for the Auditor.
If you are using multiple audit firms you may leave this set as off, as you would be enabling only the funds as required.

There are also likely to be Funds in the Disabled Entities column. Click  to move all over to Enabled, or  to move each fund separately > Click Save

If no Funds are in the Disabled Entities please also Click Save

Please ensure the funds remain Enabled at least until your Auditor has completed the Audit. Disabling access will prevent them from reimporting data, as well as issues with downloading Workpapers

Once completed in BGL go back to your Sorted Portal 

2. Step:  Re-authorise in Sorted 

 Click on Re-Authorise 

Click on Edit Entities

There maybe no Funds in the Enabled Entities, if a Fund is in the Disabled Entities column. Click  to move all over to Enabled, or  to move each fund separately > Click Save

If no Funds are in the Disabled Entities please also Click Save

InfoOnce completed in BGL, you should be able to go back to your Cloudoffis portal and reimport the funds without the error message
For additional information from BGL on this integration, please click here

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