Understanding Job Stage Synchronization between Sorted and Auditomation

Understanding Job Stage Synchronization between Sorted and Auditomation


Sorted and Auditomation are integrated and designed to streamline SMSF accounting and auditing processes. This integration allows users to track the status of a job created for a financial year (FY) across both platforms. This article explains how job stages in Sorted correspond to job stages in Auditomation, helping you easily understand and manage your workflow.

Job Stage Mapping

Here's a quick reference to understand how job stages in Sorted map to job stages in Auditomation:

Submitted (Sorted) ↔ Received and Assigned (Auditomation)

  1. When a job is in the Submitted stage in Sorted, it will appear as Received and Assigned in Auditomation.

Audit in Progress (Sorted) ↔ Multiple Stages (Auditomation)

  1. If a job is Audit in Progress in Sorted, it can be in one of the following stages in Auditomation:
    1. Job Started
    2. Waiting for Preparer
    3. Waiting for Manager
    4. Waiting for Auditor

Waiting for Client (Auditomation) ↔ Waiting for Response (Sorted)

  1. When a job is in the Waiting for Client stage in Auditomation, it will be shown as Waiting for Response in Sorted.

Review Completed (Auditomation) ↔ Completed (Sorted)

  1. A job marked as Review Completed in Auditomation will appear as Completed in Sorted.

On Hold (Both Portals)

  1. If a job is On Hold in Auditomation, it will also be displayed as On Hold in Sorted.

How to Track Job Stages

In Sorted:

  1. Total number of jobs for each stage/status are displayed on the dashboard.

  1. Navigate to the Audit Jobs tab to specifically track job stages in the auditor's portal, differentiating them from the accountant's own jobs.

  1. To view the status of all jobs together, go to the Job Dashboard. This view helps accountants keep track of the job's progress and identify any pending actions.

In Auditomation:

  1. Total number of jobs for each stage/status are displayed on the dashboard.

  1. To view the status of all jobs together, go to the Fund Dashboard. This view provides detailed information on job status and required actions, helping auditors manage their workflow efficiently.

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