Preparing Workpapers

Preparing Workpapers


We've now made the DMS available at the business level, simplifying the process of locating the documents and tagging them. To streamline your document management in Sorted Lite, you can efficiently tag documents directly from the DMS to specific Trial Balance line items. Here's how:
  1. Search Line Items: You have the option to search for line items by name and amount within the document.
  2. OCR Processing: When uploading the document, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) processing is applied, making the document searchable. This feature greatly assists in performing the tasks mentioned above.

How to tag and add comments to a document

Step 1: Click on the fund name from your list. Then, navigate to Reports and select Trial Balance.

Step 2: Hover over the name or the amount of the line item you want to tag. A search icon will appear when you hover over it.

Step 3: Click on the Search icon. This will open a side panel showing related documents. 
Step 4: Choose the document that you want to tag and click on it to open. The selected document will open on the right with the amount and line item name highlighted in the document.  

Step 5: You can add a bookmark or comment by clicking on the respective icons in the top taskbar.

Step 6: To add Bookmark click on the Bookmark icon and place it anywhere in the document. A pop-up will appear as shown below, hit Save.

Step 7:  You can follow the same steps to add Comments to a document and hit Save.

  1. The bookmark will be successfully tagged and saved.
  2. The document will be indicated by a paperclip icon, signifying that it has been tagged.

  1. You can open the document by clicking on the paperclip icon

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