Enhanced Import Functionality

Enhanced Import Functionality


We're excited to unveil the latest enhancements in our recent update, aimed at optimising your experience and improving workflow efficiency. Here are the details of enhanced features released in the recent update.

Import - Reimport

Financials will be imported first and displayed on the dashboard promptly, the rest of the imports will be taken to the backend and will be processed there. Users no longer need to wait during imports to view financials; information not yet imported will display a skeleton view. Other imports are scheduled sequentially, ensuring everything is ready when needed. System performance will significantly improve with these optimisations. Backend processes have been split for smoother execution and resource management. Click on the given link below to know more in detail:

New Job Stage Introduced

We have introduced a new job stage, Waiting for Response, designed to enhance workflow and communication efficiency. The Waiting for Response stage is now available in Sorted and Sorted Basic for accountants. This allows them to easily track jobs that require their response. By streamlining communication through this new stage, we aim to accelerate turnaround times between auditors and accountants, improving overall workflow efficiency. 

Other Enhancements

  1. User Experience improvement
  2. Fast loading of modules
  3. Fewer Bugs in day-to-day processing

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